Friday, 6 January 2012

cheap zynga poker chips

your no1 source for zynga poker chips and facebook poker chips is

many happy customers everyday and always the best prices online, visit them today

Caution!!!!!! Notifications doesn't always come from zynga poker

Be extra carefull with notifications inside facebook, they may come from hackers.

It is the latest trick of hackers:

They send a zynga poker gift, but if you click it you also send them your password, they log in to your account and take your chips in seconds.

Hackers took over zynga poker

We saw it and we believe it!

Many tables on zynga application are taken over by hackers.

To understand the situation exactly:

Preflop, turn and river is normal (preflop: 3 first cards, turn next one and river the last card), after the river the strongest hand just dont win, always wins the same player.

So be carefull! This is happening in bigger tables, we hope zynga closes that hole.