Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Zynga poker hack, and why you should not use it!

Zynga poker chips have a real money value, which is regulated by zynga and their price inside the poker application.

Hackers aim to that goal, presenting fake hacks, with the purpose to steal you password and email.

In the early times there were hacks for zynga poker, but untill zynga poker chips got so high value, those programs just vanished, and of course many of them don't work any more, as zynga has closed many holes in their application.

So our advice, is to keep away from those programs which are infected by trojans and viruses.

Now you know the truth about zynga poker hack, dont't make the same mistake that thousands did.

1 on 1 chalenge, new zynga poker feature!

Now you can request a 1 on 1 poker chalenge with your friends on facebook. Send them a request by pressing the icon on the left '1 on 1 poker' and select your friend. Your friend should accept the request. The chalenge is played separately, one plays alone sees flop then checks or raises, then another request is sended, untill someone wins all the submitted chips for the game ( the bet ).

The bets are very small, so you can't lose all your chips by playing this game.

It's use is only for fun.