Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Zynga poker hack, and why you should not use it!

Zynga poker chips have a real money value, which is regulated by zynga and their price inside the poker application.

Hackers aim to that goal, presenting fake hacks, with the purpose to steal you password and email.

In the early times there were hacks for zynga poker, but untill zynga poker chips got so high value, those programs just vanished, and of course many of them don't work any more, as zynga has closed many holes in their application.

So our advice, is to keep away from those programs which are infected by trojans and viruses.

Now you know the truth about zynga poker hack, dont't make the same mistake that thousands did.

1 on 1 chalenge, new zynga poker feature!

Now you can request a 1 on 1 poker chalenge with your friends on facebook. Send them a request by pressing the icon on the left '1 on 1 poker' and select your friend. Your friend should accept the request. The chalenge is played separately, one plays alone sees flop then checks or raises, then another request is sended, untill someone wins all the submitted chips for the game ( the bet ).

The bets are very small, so you can't lose all your chips by playing this game.

It's use is only for fun.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Cheapest Zynga Poker chips

You can find the cheapest zynga poker chips at zchips.blogspot.com !

zchips.blogspot.com is a professional shop for online virtual poker chips, it is 24 hours and 7 days a week open so you can never stay empty of zynga poker chips.

It also offers the cheapest prices you can ever find!

zchips.blogspot.com doesnt even charge you any extra fees, all fees are in their side ( the only site ).

at zchips.blogspot.com you can also find free zynga poker chips every week in their lottery. Every sunday three lucky customers win 10 million chips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So why wait? Try them with a small ammount and you will see that they are fantastic.

Hacker ingles roba 400 mil millones de fichas de Zynga Poker!

Hacker ingles roba 400 mil millones de fichas de Zynga Poker!

Ashley Mitchell, un trabajador de IT ingles de 29 de anos, se declaro culpable del robo de 400 mil millones de fichas de Zynga Poker, equivalentes a US$ 12 millones. Mitchell admitio haber entrado a los servidores de Zynga entre el 30 de junio y el 7 de septiembre del 2009, para posteriormente vender un tercio de las fichas, logrando una ganancia de US$ 86 mil.

Tecnicamente, Zynga no perdio dinero con el robo. Es muy dificil darle valor a bienes virtuales que no se tienen en cuenta, las fichas “no existian”. Por eso, la demanda de Zynga no es por el valor de las fichas robadas, sino por el dano a la reputacion de la empresa: segun ellos, al ver este tipo de acciones, donde un jugador roba fichas y las vende fuera del juego, aquellos que participan del juego legitimamente podrian decepcionarse de Zynga y salirse del juego, lo que si les causaria perdidas.

Mitchell esta actualmente en custodia, esperando el veredicto del juez, que podria llevarlo a la carcel por algunos anos. El hecho es mas complicado para el, ya que en 2008 ya habia sido procesado por hackear el sitio de su antiguo empleador para obtener US$ 5600. Por esa falta se le dio una sentencia suspendida de 40 semanas, la que violo con el robo de las fichas de Zynga. Segun el abogado del joven, esta accion se dio en un momento en que tenia una adiccion a las apuestas, llegando a gastar US$ 4800 en juegos online.

Friday, 2 September 2011

Scandalo Bots nel Poker su Facebook

Scandalo Bots nel Poker su Facebook

Ecco svelati tutti i segreti dello scandalo dei poker bots su Facebook: continuerete a giocare anche se non sapete chi avete davanti?

Negli ultimi tempi ci siamo spesso trovati a parlare della diffusione del Texas Holdem su Facebook sia per la grande diffusione di Zynga poker che per la nascita di "pericolosi" contendenti come Poker Rivals, il prodotto confezionato da Electronic Arts su misura per i fanatici dei social networks.

Oggi, pero, proviamo un piccolo approfondimento sul tema, concentrandoci su alcune recenti novita che sono destinate a scomparire molto velocemente vista la periziosa attivita di pulizia in atto al momento tra blog del settore, Youtube e social networks.

Dopo aver raccolto frequenti segnalazioni al riguardo, abbiamo deciso di provare a capire se le paure di un'invasione dei poker bots nelle sale da poker piu frequentate di Facebook fosse una paura ingiustificata oppure una questione da affrontare con serieta - finendo per fare delle scoperte tutt'altro che rassicuranti.

Che cosa sono i poker bots?
Mettiamola cosi  - se amate il poker, non avete sicuramente bisogno di una piccola sequenza di codici in grado di sostituirvi al tavolo e di prendere il vostro posto nelle partite contro gli altri giocatori.

Passione di amanti della matematica, i bots sono dei veri e propri concentrati di intelligenza artificiale in grado di giocare a poker in maniera completamente autonoma senza che nessuno dei suoi avversari abbia alcuna possiblita di capirlo.

Sogno proibito di tutti coloro che sperano di usare il poker online come un modo per fare qualche soldo extra senza nemmeno darsi la pena di impararne le basi, i bots sono tradizionalmente uno dei problemi che i players - quelli veri - rischiano di subire senza possibilita di difesa.

Che succede su Zynga?
L'esplosione del poker su Facebook e l'inaugurazione di promozioni, pacchetti WSOP e tornei esclusivi hanno sicuramente rappresentato un boccone irresistibile per un manipolo di furbetti del pokerino che non si sono fatti scappare l'occasione di vincere qualche partita facendo, come unico sforzo, quello di tenere acceso il proprio pc.

Cercando di capire se i timori espressi da alcuni lettori di PokerListings fossero giustificati, abbiamo deciso di spendere qualche giorno alla ricerca di conferme che, puntualmente, non hanno tardato ad arrivare.

Spulciando le pagine di GoogleCode, infatti, siamo riusciti ad arrivare a quella di Bootage Poker Bot, uno script rilasciato sotto licenza GNU che consente a chiunque lo utilizzi di cominciare - diciamolo in maniera chiara - ad imbrogliare durante le proprie partite su Zynga.

Il codice dello script e semplice e chiaro ed e stato aggiornato talmente spesso negli ultimi giorni, da dimostrare quanto intensamente venga utilizzato da chi vede nel poker sui social network la possibilita per guadagnare qualcosa a scapito dei giocatori reali.

Che fare?

Il primo passo, ovviamente, e quello di sentire Zynga e di caprire, rimozione di video-tutorial a parte, quali misure la software house intenda prendere per contrastare in maniera efficace il fenomeno dei bot ed offrire ai propri utenti la sicurezza che meritano.

Scegliendo di entrare in competizione con le sale da poker online, Zynga e compagnia hanno ora il dovere di dimostrare la loro capacita di consentire ai propri iscritti livelli di sicurezza ed affidabilita tali da non far nascere neppure il sospetto della presenza di irregolarita nel corso delle partite di poker.

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Facebook - Texas HoldEm Poker- guadagnare chips

Facebook - Texas HoldEm Poker - guadagnare chips

Texas HoldEm Poker (by Zynga) e un gioco per facebook molto diffuso, gli utenti possono giocare nelle poker room e sfidare amici e sconosciuti. Per giocare pero, e necessario avere i soldi (chips),  e se pretendete di giocare a lungo con gli 800$ che vi vengono offerti all' iscrizione, sappiate che non e facile, quindi ecco alcuni trucchi per ottenere ultriori crediti (chips):

Consigli base:

Invitate piu amici possibile, ognuno di essi potra regalarvi una piccola somma gratuitamente.
Regalate moneta ai vostri amici, a voi non costa nulla e darete l'input per farvi ricambiare il favore.
Acquistate chips pagando con soldi veri, sara necessaria la carta di credito

Consigli avanzati:

Cliccate su "Earn Chips", qui troverete una lista di societa che vi regaleranno soldi per giocare in cambio di alcune azioni da parte vostra, si tratta spesso di iscrizioni, acquisti di suonerie per cellulari, download di programmi, accesso ad altre applicazioni per Facebook. Tali metodi possono sembrare facili e sicuri, ma vediamo quali sono veramente gratis e quali no: per evitare di cascare in trappole, cliccate sulla categoria "Gratis", vedi figura:

 noi abbiamo provato la prima voce: si tratta di un sondaggio, e non e assolutamente rischioso, l'unico "inghippo" sta nel fatto che bisogna inserire un indirizzo mail valido, sul quale probabilmente riceveremo messaggi di spam, se la cosa non vi infastidisce, inseritela pure e i 2,200 chips saranno vostri.

La prova seguente e stata "Download official emule", anche qui nessun rischio, scaricate il programma e i soldi sono vostri, ma attenzione, non installatelo!! Nonostante il nome, quella non e la versione ufficiale del mulo, e pare che contenga un virus, tuttavia se dopo il download lo cestinate e tutto ok.

In linea di massima nella categoria "Gratis" troverete metodi di guadagno sicuri, state attenti solo ai downloads, che come abbiamo detto potrebbero contenere files infetti ed alle suonerie per cellulari, accettare di ricevere una suoneria infatti, vuol dire infatti sottoscrivere abbonamenti, ed alla prima suoneria gratuita, ne seguiranno automaticamente altre a pagamento.

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Kob Facebook Poker Chips

Kob Facebook Poker Chips - Spillerne er blevet mere interesserede!

Disse dage er de fleste af de mennesker ud af deres involveret i at komme pokerspil ser frem til nogle af de bedste midler til at kobe Facebook poker chips i billige. Disse mennesker har altid forventet et st?rkt spil at spille, nar de har flyttet for online gambling verden. Snart har de formaet at finde ud af poker spil gennem forskellige sociale medier og netv?rk sites. At spille the game of poker via Facebook kan tilbyde dig flere gode v?rdier og det er helt sikkert. Hvis du er parat til at ga gennem denne stykke skriftligt, sa du kan fa en ide om vigtigheden af ??spil som Facebook Texas Holdem poker.

Hvordan man fa billige Zynga pokerchips

Facebook poker chips er en yderst f?lles valuta i pa nettet Texas Hold'em Poker spil til stort set hvert eneste social networking site pa nettet. Texas Hold'em ramt mainstream nar Globe Series of Poker begyndte at blive sendt pa tv. Sp?ndingen ved at spille om millioner af dollars i faktiske kapital var en uomtvistelig lodtr?kning om de millioner af poker fans t?t til verden, men ikke hver person er klar til at flyve til Las Vegas og bruge $ 10.000 ind beregning til turneringen. Sa som et alternativ spillere fra hele verden har flokkedes til online gaming hjemmesider for at fa deres Texas Hold'em fix. Facebook poker chips har ingen egentlig livet v?rd udendors fra spillet, men det betyder ikke forlade os alle og deres mor fra at ville samle dem og tjene en plet pa de bedste spillere listen, hvilke funktioner de allerbedste spillere fra n?sten enhver nation i verden. Spillere slibe v?k inden for det rum til timer i tr?k bare for chancen for at vinde tilstr?kkelig Facebook-chips til at se deres navn pa denne liste. En anden k?mpe drage for Facebook Texas Hold'em ville v?re den kapacitet til at spille sammen med din familie og venner online, pa ethvert tidspunkt af dagen, regn eller skinne. Spillerne behover ikke at oprette spil i deres huse og blive skuffet over ikke udviser nogen l?ngere. Bare log ind pa din konto pa en social networking internet-websted, og du kan spille pa fa minutter. Nogle mennesker synes at tro, at gameplayet pa disse web-sider ikke er lige sa kvalificeret eller konkurrencedygtig som i ?gte fonde spil, men andre folk er uenige med henvisning til sk?re halsen konkurrenterne i high roller v?relser, hvor spillere smide rundt millioner, og fra tid til gang milliarder af chips. Indimellem nar spillere kaste deres chips lige efter et strejf af darlig held, de v?lger at kobe nogle Facebook poker chips fra pa internettet, internetsider, der kan blive fundet ved at soge pa internettet. N?sten alle af disse websteder kan du erhverve et par millioner chips sammen med dit kredit-eller betalingskort med et klik pa en knap og v?re tilbage i spillet ikke har mangler et beat. Chips ogsa kan kobes i spillet, men dem der bruger en smag for de storste high roller rum pr?cis, hvor den mindste buy-ins er inde i millioner eller hundredvis af millioner af poker chips, der ofte det eneste valg er for dem at finde en s?lger der har specialiseret sig i storre chip kob. At have en lille analyse pa nettet er det muligt at fa dig selv en betroet s?lger af billige Facebook poker chips, der kan forsikre Dem er pa ingen made efterladt hojt og tort tigge dine gode venner til ekstra chips. Facebook poker chips er en f?lles virtuel valuta gjort brug af i pa nettet sociale spil, jeg kore en weblog dedikeret til data om Facebook poker chips til sociale netv?rk web-sites pa nettet. G?sterne kan komme pa tv?rs af fakta om den bedste made at investere i Facebook poker chips, strategier pa den bedste made at vinde chips, spiludvikler nyheder og andre nyttige info om Texas Hold'em Poker pa internettet. Den mest effektive hjemmeside for at kobe billig facebook poker chips er
zchips.blogspot.com. De har den mest effektive priser, om, og jeg elsker bare deres stotte gruppe, konstant on-line der for at hj?lpe dig. Ogsa, de har et ekstremt godt program, sa for hver kunde, at du bringer dem du tjener masser af helt gratis chips
Min konto er blevet hacket, og mine Zynga-pokerjetoner er blevet stjalet, Netkasino fik stjalet pokerchips for millioner, En britisk hacker stjal virtuelle pokerchips til en v?rdi af 60 mio. kroner hos et online-kasino.

Can zynga poker be hacked?

Can zynga poker be hacked?

Well the only sure thing is that zynga poker can be hacked!

How can i say such thing? I play this wonderfull poker for 3 years and i have seen it in action several times till now.

Below i will try to narrate the situations i faced all those three years:

My first time-first touch with such situation:
In 500-1m blinds the cards open and the player with the winning hands loses. The application also wrote the right guy who should win ( on notes ).

2. In 1-2m blinds one guy ( we will call him player1 ) raises 100m, someone calls ( player2 ) and another one ( player3 ) reraises 150m. Player2 goes all in and player 1 and 3 call. The cards are shown, but the game isn't over. Facebook Chips stuck in the table and all three players have to press check in order not to leave the game with their chips on table. But player 1 and 3 pressed check too quickly, almost automatically ( very obvious sign of machine )!
 In our case the only human was player2, who had to press check in order not to leave his chips.
As you can imagine he couldn't press check for too long, he quited and they took him his zynga poker chips.

3. In 100-200k blinds there was a player who checked normally and when someone raised he called, then the game was stuck untill the one who raised standed up ( i believe you can imagine where the zynga chips were going... ).

Theese three situations are real, and i saw them with my eyes!!!!

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

kaufen zynga poker chips mit paysafecard

You can buy zynga poker chips mit paysafecard at zchips.blogspot.com

The paysafecard pin is given on live chat, the operator checks the pin and then he delivers the zynga chips on table.

Why paysafecard?

Because the delivery is too fast, you dont expose your real information (name, adress etc) and you dont lose any money on fees.

Why it's better than credit card?

It doesnt need time for your order to get confirmed, the payment is instant and the delivery is also.

Paysafecard is recommended for all our customers, if someone uses it one time then he won't ever want to use another way of payment for the rest of his life.

Here you can read the wikipedia for paysafecard

Countries suported:
Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States

Thursday, 26 May 2011

How to win many zynga poker chips

Zynga poker is a texas holdem poker, so all methods used in real poker can really apply on zynga poker and generally in online poker.

In Zynga poker thought it's really easy to cheat, not only because the opponent can't see you but because it is a game on facebook and friends can talk throught the chat! And this is one of the methods used to win lots of poker chips.

Coming to read this article you would excpect i would provide a zynga poker chips hack, adder or any other software to hack the application and make you win big ammounts of chips without any effort! I must tell you Zynga works day and night to avoid such attacks to their applications and if someone could make such a program work, he wouldn't even think to publish it for free!

Below i will try to explain all the ways i found can make you win lots of zynga chips, but remember it's not only the method but how you use it and how focused will you be on that.

I will start with the simplest method and i will proceed with more sophisticated methods ( of course you can use and combinations of those) :

1) Join a room with friends and tell each other your hands!

2) Join one room with lots of accounts.

3) The reraise technique. Join a room with two accounts and wait for a good hand!

 When you achieve a good hand, raise a small ammount with one of your two accounts. All the oponents will call. When it's time for the second account, reraise again small, and again they will call. Continue and reraise constantly. Soon you will have to go all in, but you will also have achieved to force you oponents go all in. That's a good way to win some facebook chips! Remember leave the table after doing that or you can be reported if they undestand what you are doing.

4) With one account open multiple tables!

 Thus you can see more hands and choose to play only the best!

Thank you very much for reading, hope this article will help you.

Monday, 23 May 2011

How to avoid getting banned in zynga poker

 Avoid getting banned in zynga poker on facebook is very significant!

For a start, let's see how someone can be banned:

1)Transferring 100m in few minutes to an account with low level (1 - 16) from 10k-500k results in ban!
2)Transferring over 400m to an account with 2-10m results in ban!
3)Getting reported by lot of people results in ban!

But if you do what we suggest you wont get banned!

What Can you do to minimize the danger?

1) Always leave 2m to your account in case you want to buy 50m.
2) In case want to buy 100m or more than 100m you must leave minimum 10m in your account.
3) Your level must be higher than 16.
4) I don't suggest taking over 400m in one account.
5) You must always follow rules in transfers ( raise 3 times and all in, in the end (never reraise)).
6) Look at the mute if someone is on the table and watches.

I hope you found this article usefull...

Sunday, 22 May 2011

How to protect your facebook poker chips from hackers

1) Never open messages in your inbox ( zynga security, zynga poker chips winner, facebook security, mark zuckemberg etc. Always come from hackers with the purpose to trick you.

2) If you open a message never click on links and never provide your email and password.

3) When you log in to facebook always look the url it should be always facebook.com

4) Always have a different password to your email and facebook in order to gain access to your account if someone steals your password

5) Always put strong passwords (numbers, letters, symbols), never use your birth date or a name.

Cheapest zynga - facebook poker chips

You can find the cheapest zynga poker chips at zchips.blogspot.com .

24hours online Service - Very fast Delivery - Every payment method is accepted!

You can buy with:




Visa, mastercard, american express

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Top 10 poker tips to improve your poker game

Theese are some common tips for your poker game. After mastering those tips you can of course move forward and make your very own poker style.

1) Dont play every hand! Fold quite often!
Wait as much as needed, fold crappy hands. This is a common mistake of begginners who play many hands. Begginers usually believe that playing lots of hands will make them also win more hands which is of course not true.

2) Dont change poker rooms often!, wait and try to understand your opponents.
This can work really good! After some certain time you will get familiar with the style of the opponent, knowing when he is bluffing and when he has a good hand.

3) Pay attention!
Try to focus on play, dont do many tasks. Thus you will master your oppontents and you will get your facebook poker chips stack really big.

4) Don't Stay in a Hand Just Because You're Already In It!
Very common mistake of a begginer. Lets suposse you have AA ( pocket aces ) and someone raises the 1/3 of your stack, now its your chance to get bigger, but wait dont reraise, look at the flop if you see 995, flush, straight then you must be very carefull and maybe its better to fold! Mmost players lose their money like that!!!!

5) Dont buff a lot.
Bluffing a lot alerts the other players to play strict towards you. They will wait and then rip you off. A good technik is to bluff one in 7-8 times (bluffing requires strong nerves and you must absolutelly make others believe you have the best hand). Generally play strict and bluff rare in oder to believe you.

6) Dont play at too high limits they will rip you off in 10-20 hands.
Look to slowly improve your stack and when ready decide to play in higher stakes.

7) Dont play when you are mad.
Another common mistake of begginers. In the begging you feel comfordable and full of energy to wait for the oportunity, as time passes you see your stack going down and down, progressivelly you start to bet more in order to win more but thats not how poker works. The worst is when you surelly have the best hand and in the last card this changes costing you losing lots of chips, at this time you should close the poker app and play

8) Raising stakes isnt always the best option.
Lets say you won a big stack and now you want to move to a bigger table. Maybe this isnt the best option, because, not only you will be able to lose faster but generally in bigger tables tables play better players and if youre not experienced enought you will be definetely the fish you will get ripped apart.

9) Look for mad players.
Its always an easy target.

10) Avoid tables with names of the same ethnicity.
Playing alone vs lot of players its more difficult.


Zynga - Facebook poker chips are an online currency.
This means it can be exchanged for real money. With over 3 years in bussiness zynga poker made it getting bigger and bigger counting today (41 million users - 6 may 2011).

How zynga achieved that?
She created a black market!

So how the black market worked?
Not so easy to understand how started but the players after some certain time could sell their poker chips for real money to the big sellers (not zynga).

What did that caused?
When this made familiar, many semi-prfessional, amateurs and beginners joined the game with that goal, to make billions and be sellers.

So players joined and joined the game making it so widelly familiar to the world and zynga so rich (the yearly estimated profit is aproximatelly 37 million dollars for zynga poker).

Facebook poker chips - Zynga http://zchips.blogspot.com